Then..of course there were birthday celebrations in the house... me on 26th and Irfan's 3oth. So there something I like to share.... I was actually thinking of a theme for my birthday cake for the past few months.... I thought I do something different, something I like....
Sometime in Feb 2011, the Suria Channel had televised the Malaysian Drama "Nur Kasih" , honestly I am not a fan of Malay Drama or any drama's for that matter. One Sat nite not sure which episode I began to watch this Drama.... of course I missed some of the episodes after that coz busy baking weekend nite. It was during the March school hols in KL that I watched the 26 episodes via You Tube,..... and got hooked or you called it glued. I began to do some research on this drama and realised I was actually back dated.... this drama got the highest rating in Malaysia TV in 2009.... It was first shown in June 09 and ended in Nov 09. Now I wonder if I had to wait that long and look forward to every week episode.... wow... I cannot imagine. So by the time i discovered this drama... the producers actually had finished filming the movie..schedule to be shown in the theatres starting 19 May 2011. The Drama drew 19 million viewers.... you tube watched by 64 mil times.... hope I got my statistic correct.
It's just not about religion or love.... more like sacrifices.... I give 200% thumbs up to the producers, actors.... glad to know our local talent Faisal Ishak home grown is the creative director. I watched the drama over and over again.....
Back to the cake.... one day I was discussing with Yasmine... and she gave me the idea that I do the theme cake since I am a die hard fan of the drama.... and since they were launching the continuation in a Movie. So I named this cake..... Nur Kasih The Movie Cake.

Take a look at the movie review a must watch movie in 2011.
Ok back to reality.... will try to update the cakes Ive done in May pretty soon.... :)
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